There has been a lot of rumor, stories and fake news on Q with both sides of the political fence spinning Q to fit their narrative — this is to set the record straight on how Q developed, to how and what we see today.
First, to put it succinctly, Q was not a disproven/discredited conspiracy theory as it is hyped today. Using Mark Twain’s quote, at first, Q was the “symbol” of something credible, true or developing; something you did not have to bookmark to remember. So, to think otherwise, you have been misinformed or indoctrinated. Pick your poison …which one?
Secondly, and probably the most important fact, the term “conspiracy theory” was invented by the CIA, and subsequently made popular by the FBI to stop/counter critical thinkers from asking questions about the JFK assassination. The memo “Countering Criticism” of the Warren Report (where the CIA set out to make the term “conspiracy theorist”) became a propaganda weapon to be used against anyone who questioned the government’s secret activities and programs.
Let’s face the FACT! Everyone LOVES a good conspiracy, regardless of how far-fetched it is. Some are quite believable, which we question … and some you just shake your head or smile at as good entertainment with the thought, “What idiot believes this shit?”
However, many conspiracy theories end up evolving into fact/truth, like the Q’s conspiracy that the government was spying on citizens, and then Edward Snowden released documents revealing that the government, in fact, was.
Always look for the story … behind the story.
At the turn of the century, the internet was doubling in size every year. It was a madhouse, and if it wasn’t for porn, we probably wouldn’t have the internet we have today. Google had only been up for a few years. Free For All, or FFA websites (websites where one could post links on anything), were popping up everywhere, and message boards, the first social media platform, were almost as hot as porn. Message Boards were like a town square bulletin board in that anyone could post anything. But they were disorganized, hard to navigate, poorly managed, and lacked the storage space, so after X amount of time, the posts/messages would be deleted.
But that all changed in October 2003. The message board 4chan was revolutionary. 4chan had Westernized the very popular Japanese message board, 2channel. 4chan was organized and had categories ranging from Arts to Cats, Political to Zoology. With said, the Political category quickly became an elusive internet beast and exploded in FFA users, with 8 million in 2010 to an unreal 22 million in 2012.
For years, the press had a field day, and little of it was good. First, the site was blamed for leaking the stolen nude photographs of dozens of female celebrities. Later it invented an unfunny and inexplicable Ebola “mascot” and encouraged witless new iPhone owners to microwave their phones to charge them … so, if you haven’t gotten the point, a lot of it was just a smorgasbord of memos, controversies, truth, satire, pranks, porn and mocking, no different than what the Babylon Bee, People’s Cube and Borowitz Report have been doing for years but not nearly as civil.
I first heard about Q 20-plus years ago when I joined several message boards of hacker/cracker groups and had to make a checkmark agreeing to the terms and conditions. And at about the same time (2003), the infamous anti-capitalist hacktivist group Anonymous started to make waves when they joined 4chan. That’s about when I started seeing the abbreviation “Anon” where it was linked to the new crack (manipulating a computer program so it can be used for free; e.g., AnonAdobePhoto4). Obviously, no hacker/cracker used their real name, so Anonymous also became a username for those who wished to keep their name private. Other hackers/crackers started using dark usernames such as “deathstar,” “oneeyepirate,” “ghostkiller,” “reddog,” etc., etc..
Users jumped on the 4chan bandwagon and took the basic chan/imageboard coding and began hosting their own chan boards to hype and target their own category and content. Some of the more popular Anonymous users were “420chan,” “ponychan,” “shrekchan” …There are too many boards to name all of them, but you get the point of what the chan (channel or category) was about with the targeted subject first.
Hackers/crackers and 4chan set the framework for users and hashtagging of what we see today.
You have really got to hand it to 4chan. They were fricking brilliant. Their headings of “Coming Soon,” “Breaking,” “Alert” on their message boards attracted users (and of course they had monetized their accounts), similar to a TV soap opera where users were giving bits and pieces of info. With that said, their millions of followers waited on pins and needles for the next bit of info release as to whatever they were hyping.
The media Guardian once summarized the 4chan community as “lunatic, juvenile, brilliant, ridiculous and alarming.”
1) High security “Q” clearance used by the Department of Energy.
2) The job title was taken off of the fictional R&D division (Q) of the British Secret Service in James Bond movies. Back in the early days of the internet, when one chatted about “For Your Eyes Only,” it was kept in private groups and only on deep/dark websites
To put it in screenshot terms, Q could either mean something in development or something secret, depending on the subject matter…
The history behind the iconic Anonymous mask that we now see so much today was Guy Fawkes.

Fawkes was the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot, an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on 5 November 1605. When caught, he was wearing a cloak, boots and spurs, and that is the image that was depicted throughout history. Fawkes was arrested, tortured and executed. The once-reviled fringe rebel then became a symbol of widespread resistance. On November 5th of each year, or “Guy Fawkes Night,” his effigy is burned throughout England.

In 1988, the Guy Fawkes image was introduced to an even wider audience in the graphic novel V for Vendetta, released as a film adaptation in 2005, about a vigilante’s efforts to destroy an authoritarian government in a dystopian future United Kingdom. Two years earlier, Anonymous adopted the mask as their symbol of a decentralized international activist/hacktivist, which evolved into “the face of any contemporary major protest/resistance movement.”
It really got coined in 2011 with Occupy Wall Street, a protest movement against “economic inequality/capitalism,” where thousands of protesters were seen wearing the Vendetta mask.

The person that really got the keyboard-chatting controversy from CRACK to POLITICAL Qs was Alex Jones, the “god of conspiracy,” whose radio show spammed his listeners with everything from Bill Clinton’s Janet Reno Waco, Texas siege… to that of 9/11, where he accused the government of having caused both on his Infowars website (founded in 1999). Within a few years, an unreal following of 10 million was impressive.
Alex became an internet sensation of tabloids, Qs, where he would boast, “I got [Q] inside info on” blah, blah, blah … Alex’s beginning followers were from both sides of the political spectrum. Remember, everyone loves a conspiracy!
If JFK was assassinated yesterday, Alex and others would have a field day of Qgrassyknoll, Qoswald, Qjackruby, and, of course, really getting into government coverup would be Qarea51.
Then out of the depths of the Deep/Dark web in late 2015, a gutsy user took the acronym Q and used it as a username and started posting on the message boards, claiming they had top-secret clearance and credible information; one of the first being that the government is using its vast resources to track citizens, which turned out to be true when Electronic Frontier Foundation confirmed in 2016 government agencies sent 49,868 requests for user data to Facebook, 27,850 to Google, and 9,076 to Apple. Other posts, for example, that the government for years had been investigating UFOs also become popular as QTrues.
Nobody knows who the original author(s) were behind these Q postings that spread faster than spilled soda/coffee on a keyboard through YouTube, Reddit, and Digg.

Not to be outdone with conspiracy by countering Alex, a loosely organized network of media/Democrats started making waves at Twitter with their BlueAnon username/hashtag. The people most responsible for propagating BlueAnon were BuzzFeed (the Steele dossier and FinCEN fake stories) and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, where she hyped for weeks she had Trump’s tax returns, which both turned out as bad as Geraldo Rivera’s hype that he found the secret safe of Al Capone. Ratings and credibility of both dropped to an all-time low.
As the old saying, goes, “There is no such thing as bad press,” BlueAnon gained an impressive following of over a million followers on Twitter.
With that said, a wide range of stereotyping acronym hashtags started flooding social media like FBIAnon, about an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, then HLIAnon (HLI, the acronym for High-Level Insider), then CIAAnon, CIAIntern … and the big one, WHInsider, which was “something was going down” in regards to the DNC and leaks … Well, you get the point. The capitalization of the first several letters now became the alert card for Qs, where we go back to the CIA’s use of it.
But it did not stop BlueAnon’s persistence. When any story came out, like the Russian Dossier was “fake news” or Jussie Smollett is a liar, etc, BlueAnon would claim those stories were hoaxes.
With all these Qs and Anon users that were being espoused — trying to counter-revenge critical questionings – it slowly became a mouse pad for tit-for-tat from both sides of the fence.
Unknown at the time, a virus was slowly building in this lawless and uncensored world of cyberspace.
In November 2017, a small-time YouTube video creator with two moderators started to combine all the Qs on one single message board at Reddit (it became the grand central station of Qs) under the user name of 4chan. It is not clear if they were associated with 4chan. Regardless of what it was, they capitalized on 4chan popularity. Now, this is where it gets interesting because it shifted from being civil to that of a virus-infected civil war, and it all started at Digg.
Digg (founded in 1994, San Francisco) got concerned when their chats of Q started venting discontent, anger and hate. It wasn’t necessarily the Q’s fault but the fault of the moderators who failed to police their members/subscribers. Digg started removing accounts on both sides of the fence but mostly targeted the conservative ones, which sparked the beginning of a new Q protest of 1st Amendment rights.
The first unrest I saw was when some Q’er linked to a free website article that Michelle Obama was really a transgender. It created a firestorm of comments and shares. But what was MOST INTERESTING, is that about 40% of the comments were satire-loving LOL, and 60% of the comments were, “This is BS. Have some clue, dude!” or “F*** you, asshole!” When the server deleted the account, things quickly started to really heat up the processer on 1st Amendment rights (People/Falwell vs. Larry Flynt), something that SM users never comprehended would happen. Why not? SM was always an FFA, a lawless frontier where free speech was always exercised.
Now officially dubbed QAnon, concerned users fired the first shot at those that promoted censorship.
Facebook and Twitter were the first to be targeted when they followed in Diggs’s footsteps and started blocking and deleting accounts and what “they” considered a violation of their terms and conditions. FB took it a step farther with their controversial Fact Checkers, an algorithmic AI development that targeted certain key phrases, and not the overall message of the post and, heaven forbid, anything that was TRUTH.

BlueAnon then went on a rant on Q supporters and countered with, ALL QAnon posts were fake news. Facebook really took notice — on October 1, 2020 changed their terms and conditions, allowing them to remove content that “they” deem offensive.
It got so bad, satire sites like Babylon Bee were targeted as fake news.
Things again really started heating up with the election where BlueAnon again changed their narrative and started “tagging” QAnon as nothing right-wing fascists bent on destroying the country. It got brutal because it started to target uncivil emotion with vulgarity and lies, regardless of whether or not the user’s comment was true or the links posted were credible or not.
Those Q users on Digg quickly saw what FB and Twitter were doing and started various communities, including one that attracted hundreds of thousands on Digg, username CBTS (Calm Before The Storm) Stream, whose only goal was to talk “facts” with many opinions based on those facts. Their subscriber list tripled overnight. They even moved to private groups on FB and Twitter.
So, tit for tat, the BlueAnon started pushing another narrative: These “groups/communities” were nothing but child trafficking and porn and advocated violence. It started to become an all-out internet civil war between censored and uncensored. It was not looking good for free speech when FB and Twitter went on a rampage deleting anything that did not abide by their narrative. Thousands of accounts were systematically deleted, some of the first being 4chan and CBTS Stream. And thousands of those accounts started to move to uncensored SM platforms like MeWe (2014) and Gab (2016).
Censorship took a Big Tech totalitarian foothold.
With the election coming up, a ranting twittering president, a country/congress divided, Big Tech was trying to control what was seen and pushed their narrative, which by now had become very biased.

The rebellion against censorship quickly went from the keyboard to the sidewalks in early 2017. Thanking BlueAnon for their new tagging, thousands started flaunting QAnon signs and SM memes, a battle cry that targeted the censorship and privacy violations (selling a user’s data) of mainstream media and social media just as Occupy Wall Street did years prior. Both symbolized a “widespread resistance and protest.”
Big Tech was the first to see it when they discovered a drop in users. Users started leaving and joining uncensored SM sites like Gab and MeWe. But it wasn’t a concern to them since it did not interfere with profits, and these sites would soon be terminated for lack of interest like many before (Google Plus, Vine, Google Wave/Buzz, Friendster, MySpace, Yik Yak, FriendFeed, ete.).
Boy, did they get a reality lesson? And this one light up the monitor.
In August 2018, the internet war of Free Speech got a major jump-start. Parler blew the lid off of censorship.
For a while, Parler was getting 300,000 to 500,000 new accounts a day.
Then the Supreme Royal Flush of QTruth was slammed down in front of Big Tech. In mid-2020, the Hunter Biden scandal exploded right before the election, creating a crashed server for the Big Three.
Google, Twitter and FB suddenly had that deadly blue screen look. Their ONLY solution was to treat it like a virus, so they blocked/banned and removed everything associated with it and propaganda gaslighted it as just another QAnon.
Their plan worked perfectly. 40% of those that voted for Biden said that if they had known about Hunter, they would have never voted for his dad.
An interesting thing about facts and truth, one way or another they win. History has proven there’s always one survivor and/or witness to a massacre. With Google, Amazon and Twitter attempted massacre of Parler, and going after Gab as of this writing, uncensored SM is the hottest thing on the internet, and it’s growing in leaps and bounds. Between 450 and 600 million people have left Twitter and FB. And the left’s version of QAnon is dying, if not dead! It all started with the January 6th Capitol protest, where the violence on the Capitol was by Trump Supporters, a BLUE ANON conspiracy.
Probably the biggest “BLUE ANON” was the Viking guy who the left-wing claimed was QAnon. Right-wing claimed he was a BLM/Antifa actor posing as a Trump supporter. The bottom line and truth was, he was a wannabe who attended Trump/BLM/Antifa rallies — all for attention.
When the facts came out, “horn man” was nothing but a wacko/kook who whined in jail for vegan food and pleaded that he was sorry for his actions before the judge. When this happened, SM went on a hateful rampage of revenge.
Twitter started it by deleting accounts, which they “claimed” were Qanon (including Trump’s) that set off a firestorm of anger, accusing Twitter of being a Marxism/Communism platform. Twitter also deleted any past tweets concerning January 6th that had “peaceful protest” content … and left the tweets of some right-wingers that may or may not imply violence. And the reason why I said “implied” is because there are two different semantics for the word “fight.” Fight can mean either civil (fight you in court, or a narrative.) or anarchy/unrest (like last summer’s riots/protests) – it all depends on what party says the word.
Suddenly, Blue Anon or Qanon became a Social Media malware!
- In February, 2021, many Democrats broke from the narrative that all Republicans were Qanons.
- Then the surprise, the “god of conspiracy,” Alex Jones, who was a huge Qanon supporter, went on an rant and rage that Qanon’s were a bunch of liars.
- Then Google and Urban Dictionary, feeling the conspiracy heat, removed any reference to BlueAnon on their platform, but other non-censored search engines like DuckDuckGo kept it. But after a major backlash on censorship Urban Dictionary restored Blue Anon.
- Then Blue Anon supporters went on a viral rage at Twitter that they were worse than Qanons
As for Parler, when you try to bury someone too early, they usually come back stronger. Since Parler is back online, their free speech platform is now overwhelmed with users who are seeking truth AND not the reference to QAnon in posts and comments.
For the intelligent and common-sense poster, those that try to discredit Q or question whether Q is real or not, it’s NOT about QAnon or BlueAnon anymore.
Instead it’s ALL ABOUT how credible the information is that is being provided … or, as many are now posting on social media,

“NO ONE CARES who Q or QAnon or BlueAnon is. WE care about TRUTH and FREE SPEECH.”
Unless the Q has credible factual content and not some BS conspiracy theory, in six keystrokes it’s now being retaliated against with the hashtag, QIdiot — Like if you still operating Windows 95, you are going to get nailed with malware.
But as expected, those Twitter and Facebook postings about “TRUTH/FREE SPEECH” are still being deleted. So, for all of you who think otherwise, welcome to the world of propaganda, indoctrination and gaslighting … Have a great day with your Q tagging!
The story of Q reads like the Story of O, but with historical accounting. The tic for tac is perfect, remember NBS BS story claiming all Trump supporters are conspirators, and started with this Pizzagate rumor (child sex ring) and hacked emails of John Podesta, Tom Hanks is pedo – LMAO – what a great BlueAnon tic for tac post. Great last line, its all a Qjoke. LOL – Hats off the the Anonymous author for Qtruthing . Qfakenews –
fuck blue anon and q anon – both are a bunch of psychos .
The Free speech started back in the 60s at Berkeley from the left – funny how 50 years later it has become a hot item now for the right.
There is so much more to this …. like twitter suspending the project veritas account and sidney powells election fraud claims. Its a sham the author did not focus on this but it looks like they tried to keep it in a independent perspective … to many hoaxs and bull shit from both parties … still a great creditable rant.
Nothing to read here except the facts. Nice read. Sharing.
LOL, the author is really going to piss off the right and left – but his take is pretty close spot on –
Twitter and Facebook continue to shut down accounts on their platforms linked to popular conservative youth activist organization. Assholes.
Obviously the author been around a long time. I’m sure they could have added a million more words but they did a good with the overview … keep on Qing. LOL
Shit man … love this type of stuff. Thanks