The First Email for 35th Reunion
My God, what a responds. The first reunion spam mailing when out and over 30 hit this site. On Feb 24th the snail mail went out. How awesome. Anyway, Michael and Kip probably would have been put to a slow and painful Viking death by fire or sharks if they did not help put together the 35th La Jolla High School Class of 70---
Does this look familer?
Scott Strayer
Kathe Albrecht
Michael Marquardt
Marcia 'Warner' Nelson
Gretchen Hills
Kip Ives
Holly "McCoy
Chris (and better half) Vicky Eddie
Gus Hawkins
Richard Brubaker
Sally Whitney (71)
Sue Olney
Terry Leslie
Dave Lantrip
and we think Bo Fellows
Bill Phanner (1976)
Steve Lucas (2005)
Cathy Stubbins
Christian DePl
Mike Winset (1973)
Ralph Perry (2006)
Peter Chriscola
David Hessle (1973)
John Lansker (2007)
Cheryl Melville Liddle (2008)
Ned Beach (2008)
Steven Heath (2008)
Janine Holloway (2008)
ThE 35th 'One-Night-Stand Event' and held at the THE La Jolla BEACH HOUSE BREWERY. Like all renuions before it was a sucess. Besides it being CHEAP, with a Viking feast, home brew ale and cocktails, we had the best alumni ever to stagger and slur on earth. We kept the KISS Theory (Keep it Simple Stupid) and at first were a tad nervious of how many people were going to come. Nervertheless, word got out and classmates and friends keep staggering in.
So to keep KISS flowing we have set up a on-line form and you just fill in the blanks. Or if you want to email us here
MAC MEDA DESTRUCTION COMPANY (if you like the video, go to youtube and make a comment) and make sure you also go to Costa Rica Directory
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We from the reunion committed what to thank the following classmates for their generours help in making the reunion a sucess: Ginny Lieber, Sue Olney, Warcia 'Warner Nelson,'
and everone on the committee who worked hard for this affair.
Scott Strayer, Michael Marquardt, Terry Leslie, Kip Ives, Mike Crouse, Craig and Rosemary 'Hobes' Wells, Pat Meringer, Kathe Albrecht, Gretchen Hills, Sally Whitney (71), Gus Hawkins, Holly "McCoy" Roberson, Richard Beubaker, Cris and Vicky Eddie, Bill Wilhelm, George Taylor, Bo Fellows (71) Sue Olney, Ken Moore, Liz Engh, Derek Duchein, Jackie Keeter, Carter 'Stout' Cary,, Bob Noble, Ann Burriston, Cindy 'Hunt" Downing. Gilber Pico (71), Patty 'Porter' Dever, Gene Wolfchief and Jan Cole, David Morgan, Vicki "Mehas' Wilson, George and Patty 'Dewhurst 'Coleman, Ray Maher, Ned Beach, George Colen (69), Wendy 'Stubbs' Herloskey. Cathern 'Swanson' Kerns, Bruce Thorson, Glenn Elias, Sue 'Boldeman' Rodriquez, Henry Hester, Ann Murphy (69) and Billy Williams (now married and may attend), , Ginny Liebner, Joel and Reed Mayne, Perry and Nancy Lanford, Ray Townsend . Tim Newbern,
The self proclaimed, Garlic King,' Mike Crouse is back in Big Bear again and as expected ... causing more problems.
* Judy Helmeth wote a book, Check out her book at
* Our prayers go out to Ned Beach and family, who had to deal with cancer. So far things are looking good.